We welcome the opportunity to reach out to the world through the internet.
We provide many ways for you to connect with us.


    Visit our Prayer page when you need others to pray for you, your family, or your friends. We’ll pray for you to help guide you through your situation. You can always email or call 480-838-2887 Mon-Thu, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

  • Information

    We send out a weekly email newsletter entitled “Connections”. It includes upcoming events and prayer requests/praises for the past two weeks. It sometimes includes a devotional from one of our pastoral staff. We’ll also send you urgent prayer requests and praises.

    Sign up Here

  • Info

    Visit our Connect Here page when…’re a new or returning visitor and...

    …you need to know more about God.

    …you need a church home.

    …you have a question about TNC.

    …you're interested in joining a ministry. need to update your existing personal information.

  • Church center

    Visit our new location for GIVING, CALENDAR, DIRECTORY, EVENTS, and MORE!

    Go to the Church Center website or download the Church Center application on your smartphone or tablet (appstore or googleplay) and login.

    Learn More

  • Update

    Things change in life. Help us keep your information up-to-date. If you had a recent change in your profile information (phone, email, address) log into Church Center with the email address you gave us and change your profile information. If you don't have an email address please contact us to have your info changed.


    A New Way to Connect in Church Center

    It’s always awkward when you meet someone at church, invite them to lunch...and then forget their name on the drive to Panera. What about the stress when you promise to invite a couple to a small group and forget to ask for their phone number?

    No shame. We all do it, but also, awkward.

    Enter, the church directory—it’ll be relevant as long as community is, which is to say, always.

    The free directory is a private place for TNC members and attenders to share their contact information with one another. Only members and attenders who have an email account are invited to the directory and will be able to see the people listed in it.



  • Texting

    We now have the limited capability to send broadcast texts about upcoming events or changes in our calendar. You may already get these in our mail list. But if you don’t have email or prefer to get these texts,