Prime Time

Through Prime Time, TNC is responding to the large and growing group of mature adults within the communities we serve. Mature adults are vitally important to our church. Within this group can be found “spiritual scholars” who have valuable resources which are vital to the health and growth of our local church ministries. Among these are wisdom, experience, traditions, stability, spiritual maturity, and love for their church and church family. New levels of longevity, health, and vitality, as well as discretionary resources and time, are also found.


TNC recognizes the tremendous contribution mature adults have already made during their lifetimes for the sake of the local program. Further, Prime Time Ministries emphasizes the great ministry potential that still resides with this group. Our ministry is not only focused on ministry to mature adults but ministry through and with them as well. It is certainly true, among mature adults as much as it is among other adult groups, that adulthood is a journey, not a destination.


Click the More Info button below to learn more at the TNC Prime Time Facebook group.